Oman: International Arbitration Comparative Guide

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1 Legal framework
1.1 What is the relevant legislation on arbitration in your jurisdiction? Are there any significant limitations on the scope of the statutory regime – for example, does it govern oral arbitration agreements?
The relevant legislation on arbitration in Oman is the Arbitration Law, issued by Royal Decree 47/1997 and amended by Royal Decree 3/2007. There are no significant limitations to the scope of the statutory regime. […]

By | November 15th, 2023 ||

Malaysia: Amicable Settlement Process – A Condition Precedent To Arbitration?

In a multi-tiered dispute resolution clause, there are typically certain procedural steps, such as mediation or negotiation, that parties must fulfill before a dispute can be referred to arbitration. However, what happens if a party commences an arbitration without complying with the pre-arbitration procedures stipulated in a contract?

In CZQ and another v CZS [2023] SGHC(I) 16 (“CZQ v CZS”), the Singapore International Commercial Court (“SICC”) recently ruled that the amicable settlement process stated in a contract […]

By | November 13th, 2023 ||

Ghana: Regulation Of Counsel’s Conduct In International Arbitration: Should Tribunals Have The Teeth To Bite?

In recent times, the concept of ethics has gained prominence in the deliberations of topical issues in international arbitration. This marks a tremendous development in the regulation of international arbitration as historically, arbitrators only had commonly shared beliefs and tacit understanding of what constituted ethical conduct in arbitral proceedings.1

The development of ethics in international arbitration has led to considerations of the various conduct and players in the process who ought to be subjected to […]

By | November 12th, 2023 ||