Duarte G. Henriques


Victoria Associates
Av. Duque de Ávila, nº 23 – 3º Dto.
1000 138 Lisboa

Tel: +351 213 530 560

Email: duarte@victoria.associates
Web: www.victoria.associates

Duarte Henriques is a lawyer and arbitrator based in Lisbon – Portugal, and partner at Victoria Associates. Since 1990, he has acted as both counsel and arbitrator in a number of litigation and arbitration cases related to tech companies and tech disputes, investment disputes, banking & finance, corporate, commercial, distribution and construction disputes.

He serves as sole arbitrator, chair or member of tribunals in domestic and international arbitration proceedings, and as counsel in domestic and international arbitration proceedings, both institutional and ad hoc. Duarte Henriques also provides services in domestic and international litigation, and regularly works with other international law firms in dispute resolution.

As partner of Victoria Associates, Duarte Henriques advises major banking and finance institutions, insurance companies, and technology / software solution providers in litigation and arbitration disputes. In the tech-sector, he advises companies and deals with disputes related to a number of technologies and companies (Microsoft, Oracle, Autodesk, Accenture, Delloite, Conceptwave, Microstrategy, Eli Lilly, Cisco, Vignette, Portuguese Postal Services – “CTT”, Novabase, Portugal Telecom IT, Link Consulting, INESC, to name a few).

Duarte Henriques specializes in Banking and Finance Law, Business & Commercial Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Agency and Distribution, Intellectual Property, and Third Party Funding.

He is affiliated and listed with the CIETAC (China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (Panel of Arbitrators and IP Panel), International Chamber of Commerce, London Court of International Arbitration, Singapore International Arbitration Centre (reserve panel), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO/Geneva).

Duarte Henriques is a member of several international associations, including LCIA, IBA, ICC, and ICCA. Duarte Henriques is a member of the ICC Task Force on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration and of the Task Force on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) & Queen Mary University of London Law School – London. Duarte Henriques authors several works regarding arbitration and international arbitration.

A summary of cases and brief descriptions of the disputes. The amounts in dispute ranged between €10,000 and €2.8 Billion

  • 2001 –Dispute concerning an agreement for the sale of shares and subsequent determination of the price. (Counsel)
  • 2002 –Dispute concerning the interpretation of a clause contained in a lease agreement and subsequent determination of the rents. (Counsel)
  • 2004 –Dispute concerning an agreement for the management of a portfolio of assets.  (Counsel)
  • 2005 –Dispute concerning a breach of a company management agreement and a jointly employment contract. (Counsel)
  • 2005 – Dispute concerning an insurance policy covering all risks of a warehouse of computer and mobile phone hardware. (Counsel)
  • 2006 – Dispute concerning a breach of an agreement for the provision of a software solution and subsequent determination of property over the results of such work carried out on commission, involving also a distribution of software agreement (Counsel)
  • 2006 – Dispute concerning a contract for the construction of a building on a “turn key basis”. (Counsel)
  • 2008 – Dispute concerning an abusive resolution to increase the stock capital of a company. (Counsel)
  • 2011 – Dispute concerning a claim for the restitution of cash injection from a shareholder. (Counsel)
  • 2011 – Dispute concerning a breach of an agreement for the provision of a software solution and intellectual property infringement, involving also a distribution of software agreement. (Sole Arbitrator)
  • 2012 – Dispute concerning a breach of an agreement for the provision of a software solution and intellectual property infringement. (Sole-Arbitrator)
  • 2012 – Dispute concerning a purchase and sale of shares agreement. (Co-Arbitrator) 
  • 2012 – Dispute concerning a breach of a software distribution agreement. (Co-Arbitrator)
  • 2013 – Dispute related to a company’s name registration. (Counsel) 
  • 2014 – Dispute concerning the manufacturing and delivery of industrial machinery (Counsel)
  • 2014 – Several arbitration disputes (16) related to tax law against the Portuguese State (Counsel)
  • 2015 – Several arbitration disputes (10) related to tax law against the Portuguese State (Counsel)
  • 2016 – Several arbitration disputes (4) related to tax law against the Portuguese State (Counsel)
  • 2016 – Dispute concerning industrial property rights related to reference medicines and generic medicines (Co-Arbitrator)
  • 2016 – Dispute related to the “GoPro.pt” web-domain name (Sole-Arbitrator) 
  • 2016 – Disputes (2) related to real estate property (Co-Arbitrator)
  • 2016 – Enforcement of PCA Investment Arbitration Award
  • 2016 – Dispute related to a distribution agreement (Chair)
  • 2017 – Dispute related to a distribution agreement (Chair)
  • 2017 – Dispute against a Caribbean State – Investment Arbitration (counsel)
  • 2018 – Dispute against a South-American State – Investment Arbitration (counsel)
  • 2019 – Dispute between two Brazilian companies related to a shareholders’ agreement
  • 2021 – Arbitration between Costa Rican and Spanish companies (Panamá – Cecap) (counsel)
  • 2021 – Arbitration between a hospital and the Portuguese State (co-arbitrator)
  • 2021 – Arbitration between two investors and Romenia (ad-hoc PCA Investment Arbitration) (counsel)
  • 2021 – Arbitration between a constructor and an instrumentality of an African country (counsel)
  • 2021 – Arbitration between a commercial company and an African country (counsel)
  • 2022 – Dispute between two technology companies (ICDR) (sole-arbitrator)
  • 2022 – Dispute between a US company and a Central-American state (NAFTA) (counsel)
  • 2023 – Dispute between an international group of companies and two Spanish individuals related to a sub-rogation contract (sole-arbitrator)
  • International Center for Dispute Resolution (American Arbitration Association)
  • CPR – International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution
  • Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Centre
  • International Distribution Institute
  • Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
  • Asian International Arbitration Centre AIAC (former KLRCA)
  • China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) – Panel of Arbitrators for Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre (Reserve Panel of Arbitrators)
  • Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration
  • Shanghai International Arbitration Commission
  • Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy
  • WIPO List of Arbitrators
  • Vancouver International Commercial Arbitration Centre
  • Arbitral Tribunal of the International Film and Television Alliance (IFTA)
  • Arbitrare Arbitration Centre for trademarks, patents, .pt domain names, corporate names, generic drugs (Lisbon, Portugal).
Victoria Associates advises and represents clients in international commercial arbitration, investment arbitration and sports arbitration.

The team has vast experience in representing clients in arbitral proceedings under the rules of the main international arbitration institutions, including the Court of Arbitration for Sport – CAS, the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes – ICSID, the London Court of International Arbitration – LCIA, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and its international arm (ICDR), as well as in “ad hoc” arbitrations under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.

While Victoria Associates covers disputes in a wide range of business and commercial areas, our team has strong expertise in disputes related to Banking & Finance Law, Oil & Gas, Insurance & Reinsurance, Shipping, Energy, Public International Law and Human Rights, Construction, Engineering & Real Estate, Distribution, Business & Commercial Law, Intellectual Property and Internet Gaming, Mergers & Acquisitions and International Frauds and tracing assets.

Victoria Associates specializes in international dispute resolution by combining a wide range of talents and global resources. Victoria Associates is international and knows no borders.

We are qualified to practice in France, Arizona, California, D.C., Massachusetts, New York, England & Wales, Portugal,  Spain, Greece, Frankfurt, Brazil and Venezuela. We work in English, Greek,  French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

We chose Victoria Associates for our name as we embody the necessary values and discipline to achieve success for our clients regardless of the difficulty of the matter.

Victoria Associates also reflects other fundamental values: win for and share risks with our clients.

We will guide you through the perilous straits of international dispute resolution.

highly experienced in commercial arbitration”, with a “leading practice” and “excels in a wide range of claims
Chambers & Partners