Ricardo Ramírez Hernández


RRH Consultores, S.C.
Comercio y Administración 16
Copilco Universidad, Coyoacán
04360 Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

Tel: +52 55 56 35 17 32

Email: rrh@rrhconsultores.com
Web: www.rrhconsultores.com.mx

Ricardo Ramírez Hernández is the Founding Partner of RRH Consultores. He has over 25 years of experience and has participated in over 80 disputes brought under different international agreements as litigator or adjudicator.

Ricardo was the first Mexican to be appointed to the highest court on international trade, the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO). He served for almost nine years and was elected by his peers as Chair for two consecutive terms.

He was appointed by the Chairman of the Administrative Council of the World Bank to the Panel of Arbitrators of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). He has been arbitrator in cases initiated under different trade agreements and on various investment arbitration tribunals, being one of the most active Latin arbitrators in this field. He was also a member of the first arbitral tribunal involving labor provisions in a free trade agreement.

As a panelist, he has participated in different disputes under Chapter XIX of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He was appointed as an independent trade expert of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) and is part of the Panels of Arbitrators of the Beijing Arbitration Commission and the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration. He is member of the panelists’ roster on several trade agreements, including the USMCA and the European Union as well as trade agreements between Mercosur and Colombia; Ecuador and Venezuela; Mercosur and Bolivia; and Costa Rica and Chile.

In the private sector, he was head of the International Trade Practice for Latin America at Chadbourne & Parke, S.C. His practice focused on a full range of trade matters, including unfair trade practices and safeguards. In the public sector, he was Deputy General Counsel for Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Economy in Mexico. For more than 11 years, Ricardo provided advice on international trade matters related to all trade agreements signed by Mexico.

He is Vice-Chairman of the Global Commission of Trade of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Chair of the International Trade and Investment Policies Committee of the ICC Mexico. He is also President of the International Trade Professors Association of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He holds a Law Degree from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico and an L.L.M. on International Legal Studies from the American University, Washington College of Law.

Our team is ready to provide strategies, advice, and advocacy to States, and private companies.

Our lawyers have participated as adjudicators, arbitrators, or practitioners in more than a hundred cases under various dispute settlement mechanisms and rules, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Our services include:
  • Early assessment of whether the existence of a potential dispute under international trade and investment disputes;
  • Providing advice to our clients regarding possible interactions with government officials;
  • Representing our clients in negotiations;
  • Representing our clients before panels and arbitral tribunals;
  • Drafting settlement agreements;
  • Enforcement of arbitral awards.

Our job is to assess each dispute from all angles and design the best strategy to tackle it. Our experience allows us to offer our clients a wide range of services in negotiation and litigation stages in international trade and investment disputes and commercial arbitrations under several international trade agreements as well as major international arbitration rules, such as the WTO, USMCA, ICSID, UNCITRAL, and ICC.

The Law Firm was founded in 2009 to provide a comprehensive and specialized service in Economic and Regulatory Law. It serves national and international clients, providing them with the tools and strategies to resolve their problems.

Areas of Practice:
  • Economic Law
  • Regulatory Law
  • International arbitration
  • Trade Remedies
  • Foreign investment
  • Commercial Law

The quality of the services provided by RRH Consultores is based on the experience and vision of the members of its team, who offer an integral service starting from the planification, design of strategies and advice to take the best decisions.

Ricardo has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal as both a Recommended Lawyer and a Thought Leader in the fields of Arbitration and Trade & Customs law.