Álvaro Castellanos


Consortium Legal
Diagonal 6 11-10 zona 10
Edificio Diago6, nivel 10. Oficina 1001
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Tel: +502 2324 3939 EXT 400

Email: acastellanos@consortiumlegal.com
Web: www.consortiumlegal.com

Alvaro is president of the regional firm and partner in Consortium Legal – Guatemala. With 37 years of experience in the financial services and fintech, insurance and insurTech, and aviation sectors, he specializes in arbitration, banking, foreign investment, and mergers and acquisitions.

During his career he has served as president and member of several ad hoc committees in annulment proceedings under the ICSID Convention; president of the Board of Directors of the Dispute Resolution Commission of the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala; participated as ad hoc Judge in the Tiu Tojin vs. State of Guatemala of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, was Member for Guatemala before the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce -ICC- (2006-2018), member of the Editorial Board of IURISTEC (Compilation of Publications of Annotated Judicial Judgments), University Professor, Columnist in El Periódico and former Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of Rafael Landívar University.

Representative Experience
  • Chair an Ad Hoc Committee on annulment in an ICSID case that is about to conclude its work when it communicates the respective annulment decision (ICSID case No. ARB/12/20)
  • Participated in the acquisition by Promerica Financial Corporation of Banco Citibank de Guatemala, S.A., Cititarjetas, Limitada and other related companies; in an operation that will reach US$ 1,474 billion in assets and nearly 100 bank branches.
  • Consortium – Legal (Guatemala) acted as Local Counsel for the Sole Lead Manager and Bookrunner of the Notes issued by the Republic of Guatemala in the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The issuance was made for US$500,000,000.00 but the Sole Lead Manager and Bookrunner received purchase orders in aggregate of US$1.69BN.
  • Acted as counsel to Citibank, N.A. (Sucursal Guatemala) to grant a loan of approximately US$3,600,000.00 to Pegamorteros de Guatemala, S.A.
  • Acted as special counsel to Banco de America Central, S.A. (BAC Guatemala) to obtain a US$50,000,000.00 loan from a bank syndicate led by Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A.
  • Candidate for Doctorate in Law, Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.), specialization in Comparative and International Law (Fulbright-Laspau Scholarship), Columbia University Law School, New York (1990)
  • Degree in Legal and Social Sciences, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala (1986)

We are the only regional firm that has dedicated Litigation and Arbitration departments in all five countries of the Central American region. Our team of 25 litigators has over 20 years of solid experience in Litigation and Arbitration, ensuring unparalleled representation of the case.

Key Services:

  • Civil, commercial, administrative, and labor litigation.
  • Commercial and investment arbitration.
  • Intellectual property.
  • Tax litigation.
  • Constitutional matters.

Our Litigation and Arbitration team aims to provide strategic advice for the resolution of disputes in all areas of law, including technical support in direct settlements, conciliation, mediation, and technical dispute resolution panels.

Consortium Legal is a firm committed to satisfying the need for legal services in the Central American region with professional excellence, ethics and efficiency.

The firm has the largest team of lawyers in the region, made up of more than 200 lawyers with recognized experience, specialized in different areas of law. From 7 offices strategically located in the 5 countries of the Central American isthmus, it provides services to the main companies and investors operating in the region, facilitating complex transactions and businesses in the main economic sectors.

Consortium Legal is popular among Latin America’s largest companies, as evidenced by the research ‘Who Represents Latin America’s Biggest Companies’, conducted by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA), which is affiliated to Latin Lawyer. Consortium Legal represents 13 of the 100 biggest companies in Latin America, positioning the firm among the top three most popular firms in Central America among these clients.

Alvaro is heralded as “an outstanding arbitrator” with notable expertise in banking and foreign investment
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