Ulrike Gantenberg


Gantenberg Dispute Experts
Freiligrathstraße 21
40479 Duesseldorf

Tel: +49 211 176 077 00

Email: u.gantenberg@gantenberg.legal
Web: www.gantenberg.legal

Ulrike Gantenberg is the founder of Gantenberg Dispute Experts and one of the leading personalities in the field of dispute resolution – in particular for national and international arbitration. Due to her expertise, she is regularly appointed as arbitrator and advises her clients as party representative in complex proceedings. Two main core areas of Ulrike’s practice are turn-key construction (including energy related projects) and post-M&A. For years, she has advised on corporate and M&A matters. She relies on her extensive experience as an advisor for corporate and M&A. Furthermore, she is a member of various boards and committees of international arbitration institutions.

Ulrike Gantenberg acts as counsel and arbitrator (sole arbitrator, chair and co-arbitrator) in international commercial arbitration (ad hoc, DIS, ICC, LCIA, VIAC, FAI, DIA, SCC etc.) investor-state disputes, and adjudication proceedings as well as counsel in litigation cases. As a qualified German lawyer with working experience in France, she is particularly dedicated to international work due to her international clients and her global network.

Her experience includes arbitration proceedings under various jurisdictions (including Germany, France, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Turkey). Her vast experience as arbitrator impacts her counsel work. She is also a frequent speaker on issues of international arbitration and international private law at international events and conferences.

Professional Memberships
  • Member of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre Ltd. (since 2020)
  • Chair of the Working Group of the German Chamber of Lawyers (DAV) on alternative dispute resolution (since 2014)
  • Co-chair of the Dispute Resolution Forum Duesseldorf/Koeln (DRF) (member since 2019; co-chair since March 2022)
  • ICDR Panel of Arbitrators (since 2020)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Karl Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation (since 2021)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the “Pierre Tercier Mentoring Program for New Arbitrators” (since 2023)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA)
    (since 2023)
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the German Institute of Arbitration (DIS) (2012-2021)
  • Member of the Organisation Committee of the SCAI Innovation Conference (2019-2022)
  • Member of the International Advisory Board of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (VIAC) (2020-2022)

As party representatives, we have worked in successful dispute teams. We are familiar with the processes and particularities of different procedural rules and places of arbitration. As arbitrator, we are familiar with the perspective of an arbitral tribunal and are committed to efficient and pragmatic management of the proceedings. As co-counsel we assist foreign colleagues in their arbitral proceedings involving German law, and colleagues from other fields of expertise with our specialized knowledge.

We draft dispute resolution clauses long before a dispute arises. From our litigation experience, we know what realistically works. We advise in pre-litigation settings to avoid disagreements from turning into protracted legal proceedings. We represent our clients’ interests out of court in conciliation and mediation proceedings. We run adjudication proceedings; we also advise and see our clients through parallel negotiations if alternative solutions should or can be sought.

Gantenberg Dispute Experts is a boutique firm specializing in complex disputes and their resolution. We represent our clients before state courts, national and international arbitral tribunals as well as in other fields of alternative dispute resolution. We understand the economic opportunities and risks facing our clients and unravel knots and entanglements.

We develop strategies – and most of all – solutions with and for our clients. At Gantenberg Dispute Experts, we advise our clients and prepare for potential upcoming conflicts. We favour initiating proceedings when it is in the best interest of our clients.

We are convinced that in any conflict there should be a new beginning. No matter how long, intense and entangled the conflict may be. Because of this, we are committed to not only finding a better ending but also a clear new beginning for our clients.

Conflicts are complex, emotional, human, technical and legal. With our experience as arbitrators and party representatives in complex cross-border disputes, we explore the matters from different perspectives. We can do more than just litigate. We think outside the box. We differentiate. We operate with focus. We understand the subject matter.