Mathias Audit


Audit Duprey Fekl
26, avenue de l’Opéra
75001 Paris

Tel: +33 (0)1 78 95 92 03


Mathias Audit is a founding partner of Audit Duprey Fekl and a Law Professor at the Sorbonne School of Law (University of Paris 1).

Mr.  Audit represents his clients in commercial and investment arbitration proceedings as well as in judicial litigation with an international dimension. He regularly sits as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator or chairman of arbitral tribunals, either in ad hoc proceedings or in arbitrations conducted under the aegis of major institutions (ICC, VIAC, CACI, etc.), including in expedited proceedings.

In his private practice, he advises both private companies and Sovereign States or foreign state entities. He is regularly solicited by counsel or clients alike for consultations on complex cases.

In his capacity as counsel, he advises on contractual arrangements, in particular in the energy and infrastructure sectors. His expertise also covers issues of economic sanctions and extraterritoriality.

In his academic functions at the Sorbonne School of Law, his teachings focus on private international law, international trade law, arbitration law, foreign investment law and project finance law. He heads the Sorbonne’s LL.M. in Business Law for Foreign Lawyers and is co-director of the Master 2 in Arbitration and International Commercial Law.

Mathias Audit’s articles and case studies in the fields of commercial and investment arbitration, private international law, international trade law and international financial law are extensively published. Mr.  Audit has also written or co-authored the following books:

  • “Droit du commerce international et des investissements étrangers” – with S. Bollée and P. Callé – LGDJ, Précis Domat – 3rd Ed. (2019)
  • “Transnationalization of Public Contracts” – with S. Schill – Larcier (2016)
  • “Insolvabilité des Etats et dettes souveraines” – LGDJ, Collection droit des affaires (2011)
  • “Arbitrage international et contrats publics” – Bruylant (2010)
  • “Conflits de lois et régulation économique” – LGDJ, Droit & économie (2008)
  • “Les conventions transnationales entre personnes publiques” – LGDJ (2002)
  • Agrégation de droit privé et sciences criminelles (competitive exam for the appointment of professors in private law) (2005)
  • Sorbonne School of Law, Ph.D. in Private Law (1999)
  • Paris Bar School (EFB), admission exam (1994)
  • Sorbonne School of Law, DEA (LL.M.) in Private International Law and International Business Law (1993)

Our team has extensive experience in commercial and investment arbitration, both as counsel and arbitrators.

As counsel, our lawyers apply their expertise and skills to our clients’ strategic and complex cases and, with them, devise, discuss and implement pragmatic and efficient litigation strategies. Clients can be given advice and advocacy throughout the arbitration proceedings and we can also assist them in those national or international litigations that deal with or supplement arbitration proceedings, for issues relating to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, emergency or conservatory measures, or the review, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

The firm’s lawyers also regularly act as sole arbitrators, co-arbitrators or presidents of arbitral tribunals in ad hoc proceedings or arbitrations conducted under the aegis of the major international arbitration institutions.

The firm keeps abreast of the constant development of mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution. Its team is convinced that mediation is well suited to reaching comprehensive and effective solutions to their clients’ disputes and regularly act both as counsel and mediators in domestic and international mediation proceedings, whether on an ad hoc basis or in the framework of mediation centers.

Audit Duprey Fekl is a leading boutique law firm, headquartered in Paris, which brings together a top-notch team centered around three renowned partners with recognized and complementary expertise. It provides both advisory and litigation services and combines a strategic approach with a legal analysis of clients’ international projects and disputes. The firm’s team shares the belief that in a global economy marked by protean and growing tensions, anticipation, strategy, and efficient recourse to the rules of law are more essential now than ever.

The main areas of expertise of the firm are:

  • International Arbitration
  • Litigation before State courts
  • Mediation
  • Enforcement of judgments or arbitral awards
  • State activities
  • State debt
  • International legal regimes
  • Strategic advice

Thanks to their respective experiences, the partners of the firm have established privileged relationships with some of the leading firms the world over. These ties, which often stem from years of cooperation on complex and sensitive cases, are based on mutual respect and trust. We can thus support and advise our clients for all types of projects whether in France or abroad.