Felipe Ossa


Claro & Cia
Av. Apoquindo 3721
Piso 14
Santiago, Chile

Tel: +562 2367 3036

Email: fossa@claro.cl
Web: www.claro.cl

Felipe Ossa is a partner in our Dispute Resolution group, and his practice is focused on arbitration and international litigation.

He has acted as counsel and arbitrator in several proceedings ad-hoc and under the aegis of ICC, ICDR, ICSID, LCIA, Lima Chamber of Commerce, Permanent Court of Arbitration and Santiago Chamber of Commerce, among others. He has also served as expert on issues of Chilean and Comparative law before international arbitral tribunals, national courts of several jurisdictions and by request of the Chilean Congress.

Felipe lectures on Arbitration and Law of Obligations to postgraduate students at Universidad de Chile and Universidad Católica de Chile. Previously he has lectured on International Arbitration at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and on Civil Law at Universidad Católica de Chile.

He is the Chairman of the ICC Arbitration Commission in Chile and the Chilean chapter of the Spanish Arbitration Club. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the Chilean Bar, the ICDR Roster of Arbitrators, the International Arbitration Institute, the Latin American Group of the ICC and LCIA’s Latin American Users Council.

Felipe has authored several publications on international dispute resolution, including “Case Law on International Arbitration” (Thomson Reuters, 2014) and features regularly as a speaker in seminars and conferences held in Chile and abroad. He has been repeatedly acknowledged by Best Lawyers, Chambers and Partners, Leaders League, Legal 500 and Who’s Who Legal as a leading practitioner in the fields of arbitration and commercial litigation.

He joined Claro & Cia. in 1994, and between 2002 and 2006 he was a senior associate with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, in the Paris and Madrid offices.

Our firm has a widely recognized practice in national and international arbitration. We have acted in several arbitration proceedings, ad-hoc and under the rules of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CAM), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), and the United Nations Commission on Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

Partners of our firm are regularly appointed as arbitrators by the ICC, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce, among other institutions. Several members of our firm are registered in the corps of arbitrators of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce.

A large number of the arbitration proceedings in which we participate have their seat abroad and are conducted fully in English. Members of our arbitration team are also fluent in French, German and Portuguese.

Our arbitration practice is mainly focused on complex disputes regarding construction, energy, mining, shareholders’ agreements, financial services, insurance, distribution, and franchising. We also advise clients in investment disputes with sovereign states.

Our arbitration team interacts regularly with the other teams of the firm, assisting our clients in the pre-dispute stages, developing strategies to avoid controversies, preparing for potential claims and responses, and analyzing alternative resolution mechanisms.

Additionally, we have vast experience representing clients before Chilean courts in matters related to arbitration, such as interim measures, enforcement of arbitral awards and annulment proceedings.

Our firm is the only Chilean firm included in all the editions of GAR 100, a list prepared by Global Arbitration Report with the most important arbitration practices in the world.

Since its founding in 1880, Claro & Cia. is one of the most prestigious law firms in Chile. Our seal is an innovative, reliable and highly qualified style.

With a diverse group of lawyers, Claro & Cia. is prepared to take part in all the areas in which legal advice is required, offering its clients a comprehensive support for the realization of their projects. Its practice in banks and financing, in aspects of corporate, reorganizations and acquisitions (M&A) in securities markets, Chilean and global, as well as its recognized experience in litigation and arbitration, are particularly emblematic and remarkable.

In all of them, and in the others that its offers to its clients as part of its integral service, its professionalism, creativity and solidity characterize it.

Felipe possesses an excellent reputation for his knowledge of Latin American arbitration, particularly in Chile.”
Chambers & Partners