Leandro J. Caputo


Capparelli, D’Angelo & Caputo
Maipú 939, 1st Floor
Buenos Aires

Tel: (+54 9 11) 3172 7369

Email: lcaputo@cdlegal.com.ar
Web: www.cdlegal.com.ar

Leandro J. Caputo is a leading figure in the field of dispute resolution law in Argentina. Earlier in his career, he was part of the litigation and arbitration teams of the Bomchil law firm and also Bruchou & Funes de Rioja, being the partner in charge of Arbitration in the latter until he joined Capparelli, D’Angelo & Caputo as a Partner in 2020.

His experience includes arbitrations under the rules of ICC, LCIA, PCA, HKIAC and UNCITRAL and he has seated as arbitrator under ICC, PCA and UNCITRAL rules.

Leandro has written articles in many subjects, including international arbitration. He teaches international arbitration (University of Buenos Aires, UBA) and company Law conflicts (Catholic University of Argentina). He also co-directs a diploma in international arbitration organized by the Catholic University of Argentina.

He is member of the ICC Institute and the ICC Argentine arbitration commission. Chambers and Who’s Who distinguish him as a leading practitioner in the field of dispute resolution.

He graduated from UBA and has diplomas in Company Law and Oil & Gas. He has also studied international arbitration at the Peruvian Catholic University; ICC Masterclasses and Columbia Law School-CIArb.

A native Spanish speaker; he is also fluent in English, French and Portuguese and comprehends Italian.

Capparelli, D’Angelo & Caputo, Abogados specializes mainly in the resolution of complex conflicts, both in court and in arbitration proceedings.

In this matter, the Firm has developed considerable experience, representing clients as party attorneys or acting as arbitrator in various conflicts in matters of the energy industry, construction of large projects, among others.

Likewise, the Firm has solid experience and reputation in preventive conflict resolution, and in aspects related to general commercial law and commercial contracts, negotiation and sale of shares, contests and bankruptcies, Internet and telecommunications, health and privacy law. medical industry, energy law, and legal issues related to the sale of consumer products.

Our experience in this area includes representing clients in a wide variety of Argentine civil law, commercial law, and environmental law disputes.

Some of the areas of conflict resolution in which we have specialized over the years are the following:

  • Conflicts arising from the execution of commercial contracts, and in particular due to the termination of distribution, agency and concession relationships.
  • Class actions related to claims based on consumer protection law or environmental matters.
  • Protection of rights in relation to contest and bankruptcy procedures.
  • Representation of Internet search engines and companies operating social networks.
  • From the entertainment industry.
  • From the fishing industry.
  • Health, laboratories and medical equipment.
  • From the graphic industry.
  • As well as in national and international arbitrations in matters of energy, mining, construction, and post-sale of share packages.

Santiago Capparelli and Florencia D’Angelo have been part of the Conflict Resolution team of the Buenos Aires office of Baker & McKenzie, the first of them being one of its coordinators between 2012 and 2017, as well as the representative of said office in the Latin American Committee of said Firm for the International Arbitration group.

“Longstanding partner Leandro Javier Caputo of Capparelli, D’Angelo & Caputo is noted for his prowess in dispute resolution in Argentina. He is particularly noted for his involvement in arbitration.”
Chambers & Partners