The Arbitrators: The premier independent guide to the World’s leading Arbitration and ADR practitioners

Since 2003, The Arbitrators has been assisting private parties, sovereign governments, and state-owned enterprises by identifying leading arbitrators around the world, helping to make the selection of a reputable ADR professional more straightforward. Our guide features arbitrators specializing in a wide variety of areas from commercial arbitration, international arbitration, investment arbitration and everything in-between.

Each December we select just one leading attorney in each country to appear in the directory. Our in-depth nomination, research and selection process is completely independent.

Every year, more than 80,000 nomination forms are distributed to business directors, in-house counsel, industry experts and lawyers in private practice worldwide. A shortlist for each country is formed based on the results of the peer nominations and our own independent research. The team then asses the shortlisted lawyers based on 8 key performance indicators, before a final selection is made for each jurisdiction.

To assist potential clients, we provide a detailed profile of each lawyer in the guide, highlighting their expertise and experience, recent cases, credentials and full contact information.

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Latest News & Legal Insights

UK Government Introduces Arbitration Bill Into Parliament, Incorporating Law Commission’s Proposals For Reform

The UK government introduced the Arbitration Bill into UK Parliament on 21 November 2023, and it has already had its first reading. The bill incorporates all of the Law Commission’s recommendations for reform of the English Arbitration Act 1996 (see our October 2023 blog post summarising the main recommendations).

As stated in the bill’s factsheet:

‘The Arbitration Bill will modernise the law on arbitration in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland by updating the Arbitration Act 1996.

The Bill will clarify the […]